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  ascDate Name User Size (bytes) Description
09:59, 16 December 2009 Sections_same.gif Katrin 15,350  
09:59, 16 December 2009 Sections_different.gif Katrin 15,880  
13:59, 17 December 2009 Finrep_table1.gif Katrin 15,642  
14:00, 17 December 2009 Finrep_table2.gif Katrin 20,906  
14:00, 17 December 2009 Sections_finrep.gif Katrin 20,438  
10:36, 23 December 2009 WhyXBRL.gif Katrin 29,991  
17:01, 14 April 2010 Benefits.gif Katrin 5,242  
10:51, 14 August 2011 Corep_finrep_logo.gif Iboixo 5,081  
10:52, 14 August 2011 Eurofiling-pp.jpg Iboixo 20,369  
11:33, 18 October 2012 XBRL-Files-Architecture_20121018.png Hommes 31,364 (XBRL File architecture as originally invented by EBA)
15:01, 23 October 2012 XBRL-Files-Architecture_20121023.JPG Katrin 392,112  
08:25, 29 October 2012 XADES-EPES-ZIP-proposition.png Javi.mora 39,127 (XADES EPES ZIP proposition)
13:39, 16 November 2012 Figure1.jpg Pablo.navarro 108,794 (Figure 1 — reference diagram extracted from XBRL International Best Practices Board)
09:02, 19 November 2012 ExampleCOREPReportingRable.jpg Pablo.navarro 116,263 (ExampleCOREPReportingRable.jpg)
09:04, 19 November 2012 XBRL-LanguageDiagram.jpg Pablo.navarro 23,844 (XBRL-LanguageDiagram.jpg)
09:07, 19 November 2012 BPB-Diagram1.jpg Pablo.navarro 98,007 (BPB-Diagram1.jpg)
09:11, 19 November 2012 NationalSupervisorRegulatoryExtensionLevels.jpg Pablo.navarro 20,962 (NationalSupervisorRegulatoryExtensionLevels.jpg)
12:41, 29 November 2012 UML-filing-rules.jpg Katrin 55,691 (UML model for the filing rules)
09:42, 30 November 2012 CEN_DPM-clarificationDiagram.jpg Pablo.navarro 25,052 (Figure 1: Diagram describing the DPM process and its relationship with XBRL.)
09:55, 30 November 2012 CEN_TaxonomyImplementationExtensionDiagram.jpg Pablo.navarro 35,725 (Figure 1 — National Supervisor Regulatory Extension Diagram)
10:10, 25 January 2013 Datapoint.jpg Katrin 37,956  
11:24, 27 February 2013 DpmMetaModel.jpg Katrin 64,614  
06:30, 16 March 2013 CWA3CompositionOfElements.jpg Iboixo 22,405  
06:59, 16 March 2013 ProcessingXSLT.jpg Iboixo 7,306  
07:15, 16 March 2013 Extensibility.jpg Iboixo 14,392  
07:40, 16 March 2013 Dimensionality.jpg Iboixo 16,296  
08:03, 16 March 2013 Planetlogo.gif Iboixo 730  
11:07, 17 March 2013 BusinessOverview.jpg Iboixo 54,208  
12:01, 17 March 2013 TOGAFarchitecture.JPG Iboixo 26,303  
12:08, 17 March 2013 CWA3XBRLarchitecture.JPG Iboixo 81,550  
12:19, 17 March 2013 LocalizationEuropeanTaxonomyFrameworks.jpg Iboixo 33,207 (Localization for European taxonomy frameworks)
08:00, 18 March 2013 FeedbackToFiler.jpg Iboixo 22,866  
08:00, 18 March 2013 FilingToSupervisor.jpg Iboixo 23,178  
08:15, 18 March 2013 UseCaseReceivingSupervisor.jpg Iboixo 24,831  
08:20, 18 March 2013 UseCaseIssuingPreparer.jpg Iboixo 16,988  
08:35, 18 March 2013 InitialAndUpdatedContainers.jpg Iboixo 35,136  
08:41, 18 March 2013 StructureContainer.jpg Iboixo 16,489  
08:50, 18 March 2013 ContainingSeveralPackages.jpg Iboixo 29,493  
08:56, 18 March 2013 ContainerDependenciesAmongFiles.jpg Iboixo 34,193  
09:04, 18 March 2013 FeedbackContainer.jpg Iboixo 21,958  
09:06, 18 March 2013 PublicPrivateKeys.jpg Iboixo 7,851  
06:51, 22 March 2013 VersioningPerspective.jpg Katrin 23,387  
11:29, 22 March 2013 StructuralPerspectiv.jpg Katrin 65,270  
15:41, 2 April 2013 Core_Vocabularies-Business_Location_Person_v1.00_Conceptual_Model_2.png Javi.mora 20,630  
08:28, 19 April 2013 OwnerNamespaces_pic1.png Pablo.navarro 6,542 (Owner namespaces and prefixes example (Source: EBA Representation in XBRL of the Data Point Model))
08:30, 19 April 2013 EiopaSAmpleNamespaces-pic2.png Pablo.navarro 12,045 (Example of owner Namespaces, prefixes and official locations (Source: EIOPA Solvency II XBRL Preparatory Taxonomy))
10:48, 26 April 2013 DimensionPerspective.jpg Katrin 25,861  
23:03, 5 June 2013 Core_Vocabularies-Business_Location_Person-Specification-v1.00.pdf Javi.mora 390,474 (CORE VOCABULARIES SPECIFICATION CORE BUSINESS VOCABULARY CORE PERSON VOCABULARY CORE LOCATION VOCABULARY )
15:25, 10 June 2013 PublicElement.jpg Katrin 51,387  
15:43, 10 June 2013 Metrics.jpg Katrin 83,149  
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